17 de out. de 2012

Time to go

Time to go
There is nothing
to wait and
nothing to believe
nothing to believe

Why the hell
should I stay?
Why the hell
should I pray
If there is no
more word
that makes me
believe in
another day

Days like steps
hours like breaths
and too much time
wasted for live
Hopes wasted for

In this drug lab
where 'standards'
makes the way and
you get bullied
if you not agree
if you not agree

Even after all
I can't understand
why me and why do
people feel clean?
why do people feel clean?

Why the hell
should I stay?
Why the hell
should I pray
If there is
no one to hear
my "mayday"

I discovered that the sky
is not the limit
people can
make us 
fall forever
can make us fall forever

Why the hell
should I stay?
Why the hell
should I pray
If there is
no one to hear
my "mayday"

Yuri Thomazelli

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